Riot Games
I hired and managed an internal comms team to help Talent (Human Resources) communicate news, deliver internal products, and promote culture to 2500+ Rioters globally. One highlight from this work is the creation of Rioter Resources, a library of "living documents" that support Rioters in their daily lives at Riot. I also work closely with the Head of Talent, Head of Recruiting, and other Talent leads to set project goals.

Newsletter + Rioter Resources library
“Talent Patch Notes” is a monthly email that consolidates Talent’s comms across the organization into a single email that references an online library of employee resources (Rioter Resources). This one-stop shop is stored on Google team drive, making the content mobile-accessible as well as easily editable should content need to change. Moreover, these documents are crafted in simple, non-technical language with the aim of supporting the daily lives of Rioters through job, life, and experiential specific resources.
RESULTS: The email open rate for Patch notes is regularly around 74%, which is extremely high for an internal audience. More importantly, it has changed the ways Central Talent works, providing hard deadlines for teams to ship their products through the Patch. This project moved tribal knowledge out of SMEs heads and and into an accessible archive. Rioter Resources is now accessible on Team Drive (and mobile accessible) to every Rioter.

Town Hall to Talk Show
The brainchild of my team (Walt Robinson and Grayson Howe), the “Talent Show” took HR’s monthly town Hall meetings into a talk show to increase interest and drive engagement.
FUN FACT: You know you’ve made an impact when Rioters from other teams voluntarily come to your meetings.

Company-wide Campaigns
Applying external brand and marketing techniques to internal campaigns, the team increased participation to over 90% for company-wide programs including Riot’s annual Performance Management review, its annual employee survey (Global Riot Survey) as well as Benefits Open Enrollment!

Project Collaborators
Chris Reed, Elizabeth Stenson, Geoff Moore, Grayson Howe, Ryan Nunn, Walt Robinson
Part of the Riot Manifesto is "Focus on Talent and Team." These projects reflect a true team effort and would not have been possible without each team member's unique and creative contributions. GGWP.